Rare Psychiatry News


5 Facts you should know about

Diogenes syndrome



People with Diogenes syndrome often show signs of severe self-neglect, social isolation, and hoarding. The person with this condition may be at risk of harm from poor hygiene or self-neglect


It is most common among people who are over 60 years, and who live alone. While Diogenes syndrome can affect men or women of any age and socioeconomic status, it usually appears as a behavioral disorder in older people


Researchers believe Diogenes syndrome may be a stress reaction to a traumatic event, such as the death of a loved one. In times of distress and grieving, everyday activities like personal care can become disrupted or overlooked


Lack of self-care, extreme social isolation, and neglect make Diogenes syndrome different from hoarding. Hoarding generally involves the abnormal cluttering of invaluable possessions without any sentimental attachment, and with no distress regarding this cluttering behavior


Recovery from Diogenes syndrome is rare. People with this condition often relapse and return to older observed behaviors. Finding a means of ending the person’s social isolation and indifference to self-care seems to be critical in effecting lasting improvement